Event Details
September Chapter Meeting - with Krista Tedrow
Date: | September 13, 2022, 7:30am |
Location: | Smokey Row - Oskaloosa, IA |
Event Type: | Meeting |
iCal link | Add to Calendar |
Krista Tedrow, Executive Director with South Central Iowa Workforce Development Board will be speaking to us about Workforce Development Boards.
More information about Krista: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristatedrow/
What are Workforce Development Boards?
Learn how your local workforce board can be leveraged to support your talent pipeline. The State of Iowa has nine Local Workforce Development Areas, each with its own Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB). LWDB's were established under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Each Local Area Board oversees the implementation of America's public workforce system in local Iowa communities. Local Workforce Boards work closely with Iowa Workforce Development and the Iowa State Workforce Development Board to create a system that strengthens and improves Iowa's workforce. Local Workforce Boards help Iowans find and maintain high-quality jobs, develop careers, and each Local Workforce Board assists Iowa employers in hiring and retaining skilled workers.
First let’s look at who is available to help, then we’ll look at how they can help. Workforce Development Boards (WDBs) are:1. Business-led and tuned into their regional business community’s skill needs 2. Focused on achieving improvement through customer-centered design to solve problems forbusinesses like yours 3. Committed to understanding what competencies businesses need, and to learn what credentialsmatter 4. Evaluated by their ability to help people:- Get hired- Earn higher wages and stay employed- Gain credentials 5. Run by people who live and work in their local community and understand the needs of theregion 6. Equipped to assist businesses throughout the business cycle with their workforce needs 7. Able to impact a business’s bottom line.
This will be an in person meeting at Smokey Row in Oskaloosa, IA!